Grow your business with SATT CONSTRUCTION CLOUD
Construction cloud enables businesses to offer financial and construction services in the trillion+ dollar US construction market, based on rich data and insights.
SATT Construction Cloud - Features
Start exploring the following features, available at no cost.
- Construction projects – count and value, in each US State, covering residential, commercial and solar segments.
- US construction spend trend – YoY by month.
- Top categories in residential and commercial construction.
- Top Owners, Builder and Designers.
- Weekly Project updates – number of projects and their estimated value, aggregated for US.
Products and Services
A comprehensive repository of US Construction projects, contains:
- Residential, Commercial and solar construction permits data.
- Owners, builders and designers associated with projects.
- Construction market insights and reports.
An interactive marketing platform facilitating:
- Projects analysis by construction type, value etc., for all US counties.
- Segmentation and lead generation for digital marketing campaigns.
- Leads export, integration with CRMs like Salesforce etc.
A construction business network where you can:
- Find products, manufacturers, suppliers, contractors, architects etc.
- Advertise products and services on the fastest growing business network.
- Manage and create product and marketing content.
Built for
The construction cloud offers personalized solutions for:
Build and execute targeted marketing campaigns to:
- Find developers, builders looking for finance, construction loans etc.
- Small businesses looking for loans for their projects, materials, equipment etc.
- Project owners looking for payments services, billing, accounting etc.
Find opportunities locally, state-wide or nationally to offer services like:
- Building Materials, Equipment or Tools
- Construction services like project management, estimation, inspection, specialty contractor, sub-contractor etc.